My Green Giveaway with Holland and Barrett!

With St Patrick's Day coming up next month, the lovely people over at Holland and Barrett kindly gifted me with a hamper full of goodies...
clean mars bars

Clean Mars Bars

Highly highly requested recipe from my Snapchat so here it is - some tasty Clean Mars Bars! Thanks to you all for your snaps...
clean eating shepards pie

Clean Eating Shepard’s Pie

This recipe went down a treat on Snapchat with over 2000 screenshots! I have had so many requests for a full blog post on my Clean...
irish beauty blogger

My Top 15 Highlights of 2015!

What a year 2015 has been! Since launching the blog a year ago there has been countless highlights and opportunities and I'm going to give...
red earth mindy brownes

My Red Earth & Mindy Brownes favourites!

As most of you who follow me on Social Media will know - I moved house during the month of December in the midst...
healthy eating diet plan

30 Day Clean Eating Snapchat Challenge – Week 3

Week 3 of my 30 Day clean eating Snapchat challenge and the results are in! A run through of what I ate for the...
healthy eating diet plan

30 Day Clean Eating Snapchat Challenge – Week 2

Week 2 of my 30 Day clean eating Snapchat challenge and the results are in! You all wanted me to give you another run...
healthy eating diet plan

30 Day Clean Eating Snapchat Challenge – Week 1

As many of you will know I've set myself the challenge of documenting 30 days of clean eating on my Snapchat for you all....
primarket stationary

Primarket Stationary

Do not go near Primarket stationary, I repeat, do not! So much cute stuff!! My local penneys in Dundrum has only recently added a...

Irish Ladies I Love to Follow on Snapchat!

This comes highly requested following my 15 Things I Hate about Snapchat post! Glad you all loved it, some light hearted fun and I...
how not to do snapchat

15 Things I Hate about Snapchat

I love Snapchat! But there are some things about it, approximately 15, that I really love not so much! So here they are. Am...
avoca clinic lip fillers before and after2

My Lip Filler Treatment with Avoca Clinic – Review!

The Kylie Jenner lips craze probably has you reaching for Lip Voltage or Full Lips for a temporary fix, but if you're really that keen...